Thanet Web Design take pride in EVERY website that is built.
Unlike most other so called web designers, all websites are built from scratch. Many other designers use templates from the website, like Joomla, WordPress and Bootstrap. By building your website from scratch, Thanet Web Design and you the customer have FULL control of the design. Unlike the templates where you can only place a certain amount of images and texts to fit within the allocated spaces.
All websites a built to be mobile compatible, meaning that the website displays correctly regardless whethere you are viewing the site from a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or descktop PC.
Due to different browser reacting differently to different scripting, it is important to ensure that your website looks and functions correctly in the users browser. Thanet Web Design ensure that this is the case for atleast the 5 major browsers.
The five major browsers are:
Below are some examples of the work carried out by Thanet Web Design.
If you would like to view each site, please click the image and a new tab will open taking you to the webite itself.